Just watched a four-part docuseries called “Chimp Empire”, which just premiered on Netflix and focuses on two large groups of chimpanzees in an African jungle (Ngogo) that fight and (literally) kill for territory. It needs to be made clear I’m no expert on anything nature-related at all, in fact I’m quite dumb to most of it. That said, I come from the approach of barely knowing what I’m talking about with a lot of these—which I think makes these more relatable to most readers. On that note, here’s my take on Chimp Empire:
PROS: I learned a lot about Chimps that I previously had no idea about, which was pretty much anything. For starters, chimps are the closest thing genetically to humans, having 98% of the same DNA we do. I also learned they’re in groups and are essentially only capable of forming and maintaining relationships with those in their group---everyone else is considered the enemy. It’s all about territory. Anyway, we learn about the dominant alpha chimp (Jackson, 31 years old and massive) as well as the aspiring alphas (Abrams) and awkward loners (Gus). This visually stunning series shows the central tribe defending their turf from the westerners, who gain the central’s full attention after surrounding and killing a rogue traveling ape (Pork Pie). The build up to the showdown is compelling, the musical scores add to the tension, it’s narrated by the brilliant Mahershela Ali and again, visuals are simply stunning throughout. I was often on the edge of my seat during the most climatic moments.
CONS: Not many to be had, but at times things felt a bit too chaotic. There’s so many chimps featured (scientists give the apes names once they’ve survived a year) from both tribes that it sometimes felt hard to track who’s who, what their story is and even which side they’re on. The other semi-con I had is feeling four episodes felt just a touch long. Again, maybe if they didn’t have 10,000 different stories to hit on it could’ve been done a bit more compactly in three.
VERDICT/GRADE: Again, I preface by saying I don’t know of many nature documentaries to compare this to and can only go by evaluating if this documentary held my attention. That it certainly did. In fact, I originally through this on mainly as background noise while working in my office but by the middle of the first episode it had my full attention. Furthermore, I didn’t finish it in one day and when waking up the next morning, completing it was a big priority. Unless you hate any and all documentaries involving nature in the jungles I don’t see any way this doesn’t hold your interest. The back two episodes were straight up juicy to me. I highly recommend giving it a go. GRADE: A-